Lecture Notes 4

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June 21, 2020, at 05:00 AM by -
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Lecture 4 - FOPDT Models from Data

Lecture 3 covered FOPDT from First Principles Models (Material or Energy Balance Equations). This next lecture covers techniques for obtaining FOPDT models from measurements. It is important to gain an intuitive understanding of gain, time constant, dead time before studying systems in the Laplace domain.


Lecture 4 - Introduction to Control

This lecture covers techniques for obtaining FOPDT models from measurements and obtaining initial tuning constants for a PID controller.

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Introduction to PID Controllers

(:html:) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UR0hOmjaHp0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Control System Introduction


Donkey Cart Control Problem

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/O-OqgFE9SD4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/QsX0p8kbxQ0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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September 07, 2014, at 04:56 AM by -
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Control System Introduction

(:html:) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/O-OqgFE9SD4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> (:htmlend:)

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  1. Course reading for next class: Chapter 4-5 (PPC).
  2. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #5: Q3.1, Q3.3 (PPC book)

Don't forget that the first part of each homework assignment is to write a sentence or two stating the purpose of the problem, and what concept is reinforced.

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  1. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #5: Q3.1- Q3.3 (PPC book)

Keep a copy of your homework answers to Q3.1-Q3.3. You'll use your answers from Q3.1 and Q3.2 on Q5.1, Q5.2, and SP3.

  1. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #5: Q3.1, Q3.3 (PPC book)
September 06, 2013, at 02:46 PM by -
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Don't forget that the first part of each homework assignment is to write a sentence or two stating the purpose of the problem, and what concept is reinforced.


Don't forget that the first part of each homework assignment is to write a sentence or two stating the purpose of the problem, and what concept is reinforced.


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Added lines 1-18:

Lecture 4 - FOPDT Models from Data

Lecture 3 covered FOPDT from First Principles Models (Material or Energy Balance Equations). This next lecture covers techniques for obtaining FOPDT models from measurements. It is important to gain an intuitive understanding of gain, time constant, dead time before studying systems in the Laplace domain.


  1. Course reading for next class: Chapter 4-5 (PPC).
  2. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #5: Q3.1- Q3.3 (PPC book)

Keep a copy of your homework answers to Q3.1-Q3.3. You'll use your answers from Q3.1 and Q3.2 on Q5.1, Q5.2, and SP3.

Don't forget that the first part of each homework assignment is to write a sentence or two stating the purpose of the problem, and what concept is reinforced.