FAQ on APMonitor
- Q: Why a modeling language for optimization?
- A: Each modeling language possesses strengths and limitations. The APMonitor modeling language is built for the rapid construction and real-time deployment of differential and algebraic equation solutions. These models can be applied for optimization, dynamic parameter estimation, and control of live systems. It is available in MATLAB, Python, and Julia scripting languages, increasing the ability for customized optimization solutions.
- Q: Where can I find documentation for the software?
- A: Documentation is available at: https://apmonitor.com/wiki
- Q: Who is using the software?
- A: There are many individuals who use the software through from all parts of the world. It is used by businesses for industrial control systems and other commercial applications.

- Q: Can I download the software?
- A: The software is freely available through Python, MATLAB, or Julia clients. Python installation is available from the pip command for APM Python or Gekko (preferred Python package).
pip install APMonitor pip install gekko
The MATLAB, Python, and Julia packages rely on a default public server by default. An APMonitor is also available as a Windows Server or Linux Server if the application needs to run without an internet connection. The clients are converted over to the local server by modifying the server address.
# public server s = 'https://byu.apmonitor.com' # local server s = 'https://localhost'
- Q: Do you have a model for my specific application?
- A: Chances are that there is a good starting model somewhere on the internet. If you translate that model into APMonitor language, please consider submitting it to the benchmark set so that others may also benefit. There is an active discussion group where you can search for posted applications.
- Q: Do you have benchmarks against standard problem sets?
- A: Many benchmark models are found in the documentation under the section Applications. These include a variety of models from chemical engineering, financial analysis, aerospace engineering, and bio-sciences.
- Q: How much does the software cost?
- A: The software is freely available through the web-based interface, as client applications (Python, MATLAB, Julia), or as a dedicated server. The public server option allows users to develop their solutions through a web-browser, MATLAB, Python, or Julia. For custom development needs or applications, please contact customer support at support@apmonitor.com or post a message to the public discussion group.
- Q: What do others say about the APMonitor software?
- A: "It was easy to get an application on-line."
- A: "Your modeling language seems to be very clear and intuitively usable. I like it very much."
- Q: Where is the APMonitor office located?
- A: APMonitor has an offices in Provo, Utah and Houston, Texas. The address for the Houston office is:
Advanced Process Solutions, LLC 712 Main St Suite 3200 Houston, TX 77002

Advanced Process Solutions, LLC Houston office is the 32nd floor of the Gulf Building. The Gulf Building is now called the JPMorgan Chase building and is one of the preeminent Art Deco skyscrapers in the southern United States. It was completed in 1929 and remained the tallest building in Houston until 1963.