Lecture Notes 21

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June 21, 2020, at 04:55 AM by -
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Lecture 21 - Industrial Visitor, Dale Smith, APCO, Inc.


Lecture 21 - Industrial Visitor

Dale Smith, APCO, Inc.
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Ed Macha, Reliable Controls

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  1. Course reading for next class: 6.1-6.4 (PDC)
  2. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #22: 5.14, 5.15 (PDC)

Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem. This will help you think about each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.

September 16, 2013, at 04:52 PM by -
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  • 2012: Dale Lecture Presentation (YouTube Video)

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September 06, 2013, at 02:50 PM by -
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Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem. This will help you think about each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.


Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem. This will help you think about each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.


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November 06, 2012, at 12:45 AM by -
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October 10, 2012, at 05:05 AM by -
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Lecture 21 - Process Control at IMFlash

Representatives from IMFlash will visit to discuss application of process control and statistics in an industrial setting. A couple of the chemical engineering seniors completed internships at IMFlash this past summer and can also attest to the importance of process control in their work.

Please note that there are two recitation sessions this week for those who would like some additional exposure to Exam #2 material. They are listed on the course schedule and will be conducted by the TAs on Tuesday and Thursday.


Lecture 21 - Industrial Visitor, Dale Smith, APCO, Inc.

Dale Smith, CEO of APCO, Inc., has been working within the industry since 1985 in the area of regulatory, advanced control and optimization. In 1995 he founded APCO and targeted regulatory and advanced controls in the heavy industries.

Dale has over twenty years of experience in control technology. He has implemented advanced control systems in many places around the world including Japan, Germany, Norway, and India. He now oversees various projects based primarily within the United States.

October 17, 2011, at 07:51 PM by -
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Lecture 21 - Process Control at IMFlash

Representatives from IMFlash will visit to discuss application of process control and statistics in an industrial setting. A couple of the chemical engineering seniors completed internships at IMFlash this past summer and can also attest to the importance of process control in their work.

Please note that there are two recitation sessions this week for those who would like some additional exposure to Exam #2 material. They are listed on the course schedule and will be conducted by the TAs on Tuesday and Thursday.


  1. Course reading for next class: 6.1-6.4 (PDC)
  2. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #22: 5.14, 5.15 (PDC)

Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem. This will help you think about each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.