Lecture Notes 15

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June 21, 2020, at 04:53 AM by -
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October 09, 2014, at 04:32 AM by -
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Linear vs. Nonlinear Models


Linear vs. Nonlinear Models: CSTR Case Study

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Linear vs. Nonlinear Models: Gravity Drained Tank Case Study

October 09, 2014, at 04:30 AM by -
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October 06, 2014, at 05:58 PM by -
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(:html:) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/EJxGZKWnuxQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> (:htmlend:)

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  1. Course reading for next class: 3.1-3.4 (PDC).
  2. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #16: SP9

Don't forget that the first part of each homework assignment is to write a sentence or two stating the purpose of the problem and what concept is reinforced.

October 05, 2013, at 01:41 PM by -
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Half of the class derived a FOPDT model of the process using empirical fitting techniques. The other half of the class used a material balance to obtain a model. A comparison of the two models is shown below:


We derived a FOPDT model of the process using empirical fitting techniques. A first principles approach was also used to obtain a model from a material balance. A comparison of the two models is shown below:

September 06, 2013, at 02:48 PM by -
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Lecture 15 - Linearization

Now that we've derived nonlinear models based on material and energy balances, we need to get them into a form for linear systems analysis. We do this through a process called linearization. In Lecture 15, we review the mathematics of how to linearize a nonlinear function. We have a couple exercises to help practice the linearization process.

Linear vs. Nonlinear Models

We previously ran through an example of a gravity drained tank.

Fig 1: Diagram of the Gravity Drained Tank

Fig 2: Sequence of Valve Movements to Test Models

Half of the class derived a FOPDT model of the process using empirical fitting techniques. The other half of the class used a material balance to obtain a model. A comparison of the two models is shown below:

Fig 3: Linear Model (FOPDT). The linear response is easy to fit to the data but deviates, especially during the periods that are far from the steady state values.

Fig 4: Nonlinear Model Based on a Material Balance. The nonlinear response is valid over a wider range of operation.


  1. Course reading for next class: 3.1-3.4 (PDC).
  2. Assignment due by the start of Lecture #16: SP9

Don't forget that the first part of each homework assignment is to write a sentence or two stating the purpose of the problem and what concept is reinforced.